Are Gas… Bloating…. Constipation and/or Diarrhea interfering with your quality of life?

If you have been diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and need help with these symptoms, you. have come to the right place.

Are Gas… Bloating…. Constipation and/or Diarrhea interfering with your quality of life?

If you have been diagnosed with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and need help with these symptoms, you have come to the right place.

“SIBO” definition

“A condition caused by the presence of abnormally large amounts of microorganisms in your small intestine.”

Root cause resolution

I don’t just treat symptoms. I listen to your story and will investigate the root cause of your condition to help get your health back for good.

Individualized treatment

I view your health from a holistic standpoint by piecing together your health history, labs, and lifestyle factors to provide individualized treatment plans.

Save precious time

Don’t wait years. Let my experience from working with my own SIBO and countless others save you time and money to get you on the fast track to feeling better.

What’s The Right SIBO Diet For You? With so many diet choices out there, it can feel so overwhelming… if you’re not sure where to start, this guide will help you discover exactly which one is right for you.

Where Should I send Your FREE Guide ?

As a professor of nutrition and a registered dietician,

 I will look at your health from a new perspective. My years of experience and training have given me the unique ability to analyze your history, labs, diagnoses, and life experiences and to put them together to form your health story.

SIBO is a symptom of one or more underlying causes. Your symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that something is out of balance. Depression, acne, constipation-they all relate. Let me help you put the pieces of your health puzzle back together so that you can live your life to its fullest.  Click here to request a consultation.

What’s The Right SIBO Diet For You? With so many diet choices out there, it can feel so overwhelming… if you’re not sure where to start, this guide will help you discover exactly which one is right for you.

Where Should I send Your FREE Guide ?

As a professor of nutrition and a registered dietitian,

 I will look at your health from a new perspective. My years of experience and training have given me the unique ability to analyze your history, labs, diagnoses, and life experiences and to put them together to form your health story.

SIBO is a symptom of one or more underlying causes. Your symptoms are your body’s way of telling you that something is out of balance. Depression, acne, constipation-they all relate. Let me help you put the pieces of your health puzzle back together so that you can live your life to its fullest.  Book Your Free SIBO Session.

Xifaxan® (Rifaximin) Plus the Elemental Diet Treats Methane SIBO

Are you considering trying the elemental diet to treat your small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)?  The 14-21 day liquid only diet has been shown in research to be effective in treating SIBO. In fact, Dr. Pimental and others found that 80% of study participants drinking the elemental diet for 14 days had normal breath tests

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Webbing that looks like adhesions

SIBO After Surgery, Are Adhesions to Blame?

Adhesions can be the underlying cause of SIBO. They are web-like structures that can decrease the movement of the small intestine. Learn what causes them and what you can do to treat them.

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How I Ended 25 Years of Constipation

This post was originally published as a success story on Healthy Gut at the SCDLifestyle website, reprinted with permission. The original article can be found here: Dietitian-ends-25-years-of-constipation. The Constipation Started in My Teens… and Lasted 25 Years My struggles with chronic constipation started in high school. I distinctly remember this time period because it was

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Sauerkraut Science: How to Make the Perfect Kraut

If you have any issues with your gut, or with any aspect of your health for that matter, you have probably heard that you should be including fermented foods in your diet. I learned about the health benefits of fermented foods when I read Natasha Campbell-McBride’s book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome.” She recommended homemade fermented

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What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About SIBO Breath Testing

Most doctors don’t use breath testing because the value isn’t understood. Learn how breath testing can be an important test to help you get better faster.

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Do You Know Your SIBO Type?

Just like there are different types of IBS – IBS constipation, IBS diarrhea and IBS mixed, there are different types of SIBO. And the different types of SIBO can certainly relate to what type of IBS symptoms you may have.   This article will explain the 3 dominant types of SIBO, how they differ and

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Four Reasons Wheat is Triggering Your SIBO Symptoms

A hot, freshly baked buttery roll…delicious. A steaming bowl of macaroni and cheese….so comforting Eating pizza with your friends and family…..priceless You like your freedom of being able to eat what you want. But you just can’t get rid of this nagging feeling in the back of your mind. You see the shelves of gluten

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6 Tips to Starting the FODMAPs Diet without Feeling Overwhelmed

Were you told by your doctor to try the FODMAPs diet, but you weren’t given any resources to get started? Maybe you have been searching on the internet, but have become overwhelmed with all of the different and often times conflicting advice. Reported clinical experience as well as randomized, controlled clinical trials show that the

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What you need to know about taking Xifaxan (Rifaximin) to treat your SIBO

If you’ve been prescribed Xifaxan® (Rifaximin) for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) then you aren’t alone. It’s quickly becoming the most commonly used treatment by doctors around the world. However, it’s still an antibiotic and it can be scary to think about putting it in your body. If you are debating taking it then this article is for

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Do You Have Lactose Intolerance?

Do you experience gas, bloating, painful cramping, and diarrhea after eating dairy? Then you are in good company. Sixty-five percent (some estimates are even higher) of the world’s population have trouble digesting lactose, the carbohydrate that gives milk its sweet taste. This condition is called lactose intolerance. Lactose is the predominant carbohydrate found in all

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Fermented Milk

Dairy Kefir

Kefir is a fermented, creamy milk drink that originated in the Caucasus Mountains. Kefir is made by using kefir “grains”-not to be confused with real grains-like wheat or rice. Kefir grains are a symbiotic cluster of lactic acid bacteria and yeast that looks like a small piece of cauliflower floret, but soft and pliable. The

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Simple Steps To Treat Heartburn And Reflux Naturally-Part 2

In the previous post- Five Reasons Why You Need Stomach Acid, we discussed why stomach acid is vitally necessary and that gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is usually due to having too little stomach acid rather than not enough. The physiological problem behind GERD is due to the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxing at the wrong

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Dr. Darla O'Dwyer

Dr. Darla O'Dwyer, PhD, RDN

Dr. Darla O'Dwyer

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