Thank you for your interest in working together.

I offer several programs and services to help meet your individual needs.

Health Strategy Single Sessions – single sessions are for those who do not need the extra support and time provided through the package programs. We can work together for a one-hour session, you can implement the changes discussed, then book another session when needed weeks or months down the road. Note that it is very difficult to heal long-term health issues in just one or two sessions.

Three Month Digestive Reset Program – to relieve your pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea. This program is for those who have already implemented positive diet and lifestyle changes but need further direction on digestive support, individualized supplement recommendations, and conventional and functional medicine testing.

Six Month Digestive Transformation Program – to work through your underlying cause(s) and restore your health. Habits learned over a lifetime cannot be changed in 1 week or even 3 months. This program is for those who will need more time to implement the necessary changes required to achieve optimal health. This program also allows time for retesting to determine the efficacy of treatments and further testing and review based on response to treatment.

This table provides a summary of my programs and services: