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Wellevate Order Supplements
(For Patients Only)


Diet and lifestyles changes are the cornerstone of achieving optimum health. Supplements are used in conjunction with diet and lifestyle to help decrease symptoms, fill in any gaps not provided by the diet alone, restore low levels of vital nutrients and increase the speed of recovery.  Darla uses Wellevate through Emerson Ecologics, a supplement distributor, to provide her clients with the most high quality supplements available. Many of the supplements that she recommends are only sold to healthcare professionals. Why? Because these supplement companies want a knowledgeable provider that knows when a supplement is indicated and how much is required for a particular condition. In addition, when supplements are issued by healthcare providers, the client is monitored closely. Any issues with tolerance are handled appropriately and responsibly.  Darla is offered the choice of receiving a 35% commission on the supplements sold through Emerson Ecologics; however, she chooses the 20% discount to the client while receiving a 15% commission. The 15% commission provides the resources necessary for the extra time it takes to sort through the thousands of available supplements and choose the right one for each client’s needs. All supplements are not created equally and it is important to purchase only high quality supplements from trusted companies. These companies value good manufacturing practices and utilize third party testing to assure purity and potency of both the raw materials and finished product. This is why these supplements are oftentimes priced higher than supplements found in retail stores. If you have any questions, please contact Darla at Darla@realnutritionconcepts. com.

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